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International Blacksmithing News
Coat of Arms from the town of  Eskilstuna, Sweden
Volume 10 - Page 1 of 12 (more to come)
1st International Edition!
CanIron II banner by anvilfire!
CanIron, Russsian Artist Blacksmith
More from Dona Meilach, Polish Clockmaker
Virginia Guild meets with MASA at Daniel Boone's
Norwegians and Viking Forge at Union Station
CanIron II A new semi-annual Canadian blacksmithing event will be held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada this July. Most of us recognize Calgary as the host of the 1988 Winter Olympics and the home of the Calgary Stampede.

CanIron is a both a non-profit society dedicated to the promotion of Blacksmithing in Canada and the name of the biennial event. So far ten renouned demonstrators are scheduled including William Firoini, Susan Hutchinson and Francis Whitaker. 151 Days to go!

For a look at the first CanIron see the article by Fred Holder from the Blacksmith's Gazette

Vol.1 (May-June - JYH)
Vol.3 Camp Fenby
Vol.4 ABANA Late
Vol. 5 PABA Edition
Vol. 6 AFC Edition
Vol. 7 Virginia Edition
Vol. 8 Thanksgiving Edition
Vol. 9 New Year's 1999 Edition

Page 2  NEW Letter from Dona Meilach
Pages 3 - 9  CVBG and MASA at Daniel Boone's
Page 4  Yellin gates at Daniel Boone's
Page 8  Nick Vincent at Daniel Boone's
Page 10  Norwegians at Union Station
Page 11  Reproduction Viking Forge
Page 12  Some "Big Iron" from Finland
Nikolai Semenov. St. Petersburg, Russia. Sends us some samples from his future web page. He says, "Currently these works may be seen at the exhibition called "Moscau - St.Petersburg. AVANTGARDE im Russichen Schmuck" which is arranged by the Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim, Germany. Among the other 18 artists, I am representing the modern jewellery art of St. Petersrburg and Moscow. " Nikolai's anvilfire! Gallery
A NEW Letter from Dona Z. Meilach
calling for photos for her new book tentativly titled , Contemporary Ironwork. Don't miss this opportunity to join the immortals!

Fred Holder, long time publisher of Black Powder Times, Then and Now and the Blacksmith's Gazette announces the establishment of his new Internet domain Fred is also into woodturning now and hosts web pages for his publications, More Woodturning , Blacksmith's Gazette, and also Fred Holder's Woodturning Store and the Northwest Washington Woodturners Home Page.
Polish Clockmaker looking for metalsmiths.
Krzysztof 'Chris' Jedrych-Morrison, producer of analog clocks since 1972 is looking for makers of the finest quality details made of black iron, bronze and copper. Forged, cast, molded and hammered. The image to the left is the type of work required. Significant quanties are required. If you are intrested in being a sub-contractor in this venture write to:

Time Foundation
P.O. Box 310
90-950 Lodz 1
The Central Virginia Blacksmiths Guild were guests with the Mid-Atlantic Smiths Association at Daniel Boone's shop in Louisa, VA. Daniel and Nick Vincent of Nathan's Forge, Uniontown, MD, put on demonstrations. Daniel forged one of his famous dragons and Nick demonstrated some production hardware techniques. Continued on Page 3
Page 2 (Letter from Dona)   Page 3 Daniel Boone's   Page 11 Viking Forge  
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February International Edition
Comments to: Jock Dempsey anvilfire webmaster.
Copyright©1999 by Jock Dempsey