Nikolia Semenov
During my studies in the St.Petersrburg Academy of Art and Design, Metal department I began to work with jewellery plastic of iron made by casting. As a member of Young Jewellers Club in the Faberge Foundation I am regularly participating in actions and exhibitions organised by the Foundation. Iron Jewellery is not very traditional in Russia, but nevertheless I was granted a number of Diplomas and Encouraging Prizes for the iron jewellery.

Currently these works may be seen at the exhibition called Moscau - St. Petersburg. AVANTGARDE im Russichen Schmuck which is arranged by the Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim, Germany. Among the other 18 artists, I am representing the modern jewellery art of St. Petersrburg and Moscow.

After the finishing the study in St. Petesrburg Academy of Art and Design, 1998 I was invited to Denmark by Folke Centre Renewable Energy with two of my colleagues to participate in the "ART & ENERGY" project. Every of us who was invited made his own personal sculpture composition of iron and in such way expressed the idea of renewable energy.

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anvilfire logo (c) 1998 by Patrick Dempsey
Original images property of Nikolia Semenov
Copyright ©1999 by Jock Dempsey, DEMPSEY'S FORGE