s c u l p t o r - 194? - July 10, 2000 |
From: dmeilach@email.msn.com Thu Jul 20 20:22:51 2000 From: Enrique Vega <enrique@artmetal.com> Subject: Memorial to Christopher T. Ray To all who knew Chris Ray, You will have to excuse me, but since I read Gabriel's mail of Mon, 10 July 2000 22:56:52 which stated in part:
Chris Ray's physical presence passed on at 5:30 pm today. I have been in a difficult state of mind and feel a need to commemorate Chris because he has been a good friend to me, and a great teacher! I believe that many of you who have had the pleasure to know Chris, whether in person, or through the mail list, most likely have an empty feeling right now because he is no longer with us in this physical reality. I would like to invite you to come to a memorial of sorts this coming Thursday July 13, 2000 at 10:00 pm eastern standard time in the ArtMetal Village Chat Room. In fact, if you can't come at this time, you can still participate. What I would like to do, is to use the chat room to create a memorial log of ways that Chris Ray has touched us. Look through your old email messages from the mail list, or personal notes which have touched you, and put them in the chat room. You can also use urls which you have found at Chris's web sites. Simply copy and paste the url (including http://) after you have logged on to the chat. Then enter your sentiments. I will keep the memorial log running in the chat room for two weeks to give everyone a chance to make their peace. Then, with the help of volunteers, we will edit the log and archive it with the rest of Chris's work in the Bramblebush. Some useful urls:
ArtMetal Village Main Chat Room (Chris's memorial log):
Link page to most of Chris's work on the web:
The Bramblebush - Chris's editorial & teaching site: Please feel free to forward this invitation to other mail lists or individuals who may be interested in participating. Thank you! -- enrique - ArtMetal founder/director | |||||||
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The above was forwarded to me by Dona Meilach and I have posted it in its entirety.
I did not know Chris but his work was an important part of Dona's Decorative and Sculptural Ironwork and we included his Mansects in our review of that work.
Chris Ray was another important piece of what made creative metalworking in the Twentieth Century. We mark his passing as we do Bill Pieh, Francis Whitaker, Emert Studebaker and others that brought us where we are today. ![]() |
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Comments to: Jock Dempsey editor@anvilfire.com. |