Photos provided by Ken Skaught,
Medallion Estates, digitally processed by Jock Dempsey.
Grid is 1" (25mm) square behind, and 1/2" (13mm) lines below. No dimensions provided.
Grizzly anvils have been dubed the world's ugliest anvils. Their mini bench anvil is no different.
The Grizzly anvil line are the classic ASO's (Anvil Shapped Objects) made form cast iron and only suitable for moderate shop pounding and light hobby smithing.
Besides their looks the one thing that makes Grizzly anvils stand out is that they are sold HONESTLY.
There are no claims of mystery steel, they state out front that they are cast iron.
There are no claims of being a "professional" anvil.
As of this date (January 2011) these little anvils are selling NEW for $7.25 from the manufacturer.
Shipping is as much as the anvil or more.
Grid is 1" (25mm) square behind, and 1/2" (13mm) lines below. No dimensions provided.
Grizzly anvils have been dubed the world's ugliest anvils. Their mini bench anvil is no different. The Grizzly anvil line are the classic ASO's (Anvil Shapped Objects) made form cast iron and only suitable for moderate shop pounding and light hobby smithing. Besides their looks the one thing that makes Grizzly anvils stand out is that they are sold HONESTLY. There are no claims of mystery steel, they state out front that they are cast iron. There are no claims of being a "professional" anvil.
As of this date (January 2011) these little anvils are selling NEW for $7.25 from the manufacturer. Shipping is as much as the anvil or more.