anvilfire! Touchmark Registry
International Registry of Blacksmith Touchmarks
How to Register ** Fees

Whereas: To our knowledge there is no central registry of blacksmiths touchmarks and no governing body or organization willing to take on the task.

And whereas: The subject of such a registry has been discussed in various blacksmithing forums and within the blacksmithing community indicating a need for such a registry.

Therefore We Propose: To sponsor and maintain a registry of blacksmith's touchmarks. Images and descriptions of the touchmarks and a record of ownership including the owner's name, business name and address will be stored in a computer database and made accessible via the Internet.

International? Yes! Since ANY document on the Internet or World Wide Web can be accessed from anywhere in the world this IS an international registry. We will accept your touchmark registration from any country. Future editions of the registry will be multilingual and we are working on taking applications by credit card to make it easier on our overseas friends.

Here's how it works.

You send us:

  • A processing fee in U.S. funds.
  • Your name, address, business name, etc.., ABANA or Chapter affiliation.
  • A sharp photograph of your touchmark's impression
      OR a clear ink drawing
      OR digital image in JPEG format (125 x 200 pixels).
      OR You may send us a sample touchmark impression and we will scan or photograph it for you.
  • A brief description of the touchmark (is that a DUCK or a DRAGON?)
  • An SASE IF you want photos or samples returned.

We will scan your photograph or drawing, edit your JPEG and post the information on the anvilfire International Registry of Blacksmith Touchmarks. Entries will be listed alphabetically by name and indexed by description so that a key word search can be used to find touchmarks by how they look. As the registry grows it will be kept in a searchable database.

As a NEW registry there is likely to be a lot of duplication. At this time we WILL NOT reject any touchmark but reserve the future right to set some type of policy to prevent duplication or copying (say starting January 1, 2000).

This is NOT a legal trademark's registry, THAT is the business of the Patents and Trademarks offices of your country.

If for any reason anvilfire cannot continue to maintain the registry it will be turned over to ABANA or some other organization in its entirety without cost.

Make checks payable to DEMPSEY'S FORGE. Mail your touchmark registration form to:

    anvilfire! Touchmark Registry
    4714 Granite Trail
    Boonville, NC 27011
Copyright © 1999
Jock Dempsey
anvilfire logo (c) 1998 by Patrick Dempsey
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