Gould & Eberhardt) 16" Industrial Universal Shaper
This is an old but un-worn (little used) machine.
At one time I had this machine cleaned up (no rust) and freshly painted, looking like new.
There is nothing broken or worn out on this machine other than one missing plastic knob and a motor starter (contactor).
The shaper was invented by James Nasmyth in 1836 to replace hand chipping and finishing small machinery castings.
These machines can be used for
squaring rough stock,
machining flat surfaces,
making T-Slots and keyways (both internal and external,
cutting gears,
making dovetails for slides and dies, and many other operations.
A great advantage of a shaper over a milling machine is that it uses simple economical single point tools that are easy to hand grind
unlike a milling machine which uses expensive difficult to resharpen spiral multi-tooth cutters or multiple insert cutters.
Universal Shapers are different from standard shapers in that the table rotates and there is a tilting section for easily machining compound angles.
Industrial Duty is a designation by G&E for a heavier duty version of their standard shapers.
The Eberhardt "Double Triple Quick" patent mechanism that returns the ram faster than it moves forward gave them a huge advantage over the competition and is what made Gould & Eberhardt THE shaper for many years.
Shaper Vices are different than drill press and milling machine vises.
Shaper vises are much heavier in order to withstand the heavy repetitive impact force of the cutter.
They also have one jaw that can be angled in order to firmly hold irregular work such as castings.
INCLUDES (accessories):
Shaper Vise
Custom Clapper box wrench
Armstrong adjustable shaper tool holder

Shaper Vise
5HP 3PH 220/440 HD 1800 RPM
The motor turns over easily but I have not had it on power so cannot say if it is good or not.
Gould & Eberhardt) 16" Industrial Universal Shaper
This is an old but un-worn (little used) machine. At one time I had this machine cleaned up (no rust) and freshly painted, looking like new. There is nothing broken or worn out on this machine other than one missing plastic knob and a motor starter (contactor).
The shaper was invented by James Nasmyth in 1836 to replace hand chipping and finishing small machinery castings. These machines can be used for squaring rough stock, machining flat surfaces, making T-Slots and keyways (both internal and external, cutting gears, making dovetails for slides and dies, and many other operations.
A great advantage of a shaper over a milling machine is that it uses simple economical single point tools that are easy to hand grind unlike a milling machine which uses expensive difficult to resharpen spiral multi-tooth cutters or multiple insert cutters.
Universal Shapers are different from standard shapers in that the table rotates and there is a tilting section for easily machining compound angles.
Industrial Duty is a designation by G&E for a heavier duty version of their standard shapers.
The Eberhardt "Double Triple Quick" patent mechanism that returns the ram faster than it moves forward gave them a huge advantage over the competition and is what made Gould & Eberhardt THE shaper for many years.
Shaper Vices are different than drill press and milling machine vises. Shaper vises are much heavier in order to withstand the heavy repetitive impact force of the cutter. They also have one jaw that can be angled in order to firmly hold irregular work such as castings.
INCLUDES (accessories):
Shaper Vise
Custom Clapper box wrench
Armstrong adjustable shaper tool holder
The motor turns over easily but I have not had it on power so cannot say if it is good or not.