This candelaba is classy design of mine that is fairly easy to make. Actual construction is obvious so I will cover some of the details. This was one of my early pieces and I used slightly different techniques than I would today.
At the time I made this I was making brass/copper candle cups and pans and using them on steel stands and scones. See my earlier demo #80 on "Brass Candle Sticks and More" for details of making the pans. I make my own and spent a lot of time making a die set to punch the blanks and tools to produce the cups quickly. For most folks it is cheaper and easier to purchase these parts from one of the blacksmith suppliers or a lamp supply.

Figure 3 |
The candle cups are attached with short tennons.
On this candelabra I sawed and hand filed the little short tennons on the 3/8" square bar.
Dimensioned Drawing - 38K

Figure 4 |
The cups (made previously) are affixed by brading the tennon using a flat end taper punch.

Figure 5 |

Figure 6 |
After hand filing these tennons I decided there had to be a better way. All I had for my little 1950 6" Craftman lathe was a three jaw chuck that didn't clamp square stock very well. I had been using it to turn 3/16" tennons on 1/4" stock for my brass candle sticks.
To do square stock I made several of these adaptors by welding a plate on the end of a large hex-nut that fit the lathe spindle nose. Then they were drilled on the lathe to center the hole and the holes were hand filed square. Worked great on a machine that collets are not available for.

Figure 2 |
The quatrefoil shape in the center of this candelabra is what gives it its classy look. The four scrolls were forged and matched to fit a sketch and to be the same more or less.
The arms and other loose pieces were made and laid out together flat.

Figure 7 |
Under the collars the parts are arc welded together. Where the hidden beads were to go weld preps were ground in the scrolls and forged on the other parts. The welds needed very little dressing to be flat.
The collars were a butt joint type that was also welded and dressed so there is no front or back to the candelabra.

Figure 8 |
After playing with the legs being joined on one level I decided that one overlaping the other would work just as well and actualy look better than a poorly finished joint.
The two pieces or 1/4" x 1" have two short welds as shown. The welds do not show.
. . two short welds on the bottom. The welds do not show from the top or sides.

Figure 9 |
The center "shank" was attached with a tennon that was upset and then arc welded. The extra welding has served well. This piece belongs to may parents and its been straightened several times after been dropped or knocked off tables numerous time in 25 years. . . . The joints have all held tight.

Figure 10 |
When I made this candelabra I was asked to make a similar menorah. I asked the lady how many arms and she just said, the usual number!
Well, there are two types of menorah. Not being Jewish I didn't know and had to do some research.
A menorah can be a "temple lamp". This has 7 lights. Three on each side and one in the center.
The menorah that most of us think of is used for the "Festival of Lights".
It has eight lights and one in the center called a "shammash" for a total of nine.
She didnt know either Jock?
No, she didn't know!
Welding isnt period for the sca will the collars hold the arms on without welds
Jim C.
Please explain the center post. Looks like maybe 1/2" at the bottom and then 3/8" above the collar?
Dave C
Nice demo Guru. Gave me some ideas!
Dave L
Thanks guru well done
that is a hot design Jock..looks more complex than it it is..
the Guru has a seperate demo on collars
I would pin the joints and then collar on this design.
The center post is 5/8" square at the bottom and tapers to 3/8" square to match the size of the arms. It needs to be this heavy for strength and proportion.
nice work Jock very nice
Jock, I'm gonna try to make this one myself just as a fun project this weekend. Believe I can do it. Already got the jigs for scrolls and we got collaring jigs, so we'll see if I can copy-cat you, OK?
Course, I think I might just have to wait til you get this posted so I can copy down dimensions of steel, etc.
Pete it is VERY classy with long yellow beeswax tapers!
Sharon, Go for it!
Jim C.
Thanks. Nice work, good demo, & great graphics.
Hmmm I didn't think to get overall dimensions when I borrowed it to photograph! Will get and add ASAP.
I got a real fancy Viney thing I been picturing in my head to hold a 4 1/2" Glass Bowl that I bought which you put those floating wick candle things in. If I can accomplish what I got in mine, will scan a picture of it and sent to you.
Sharon, Then it will be YOUR turn to do a demo!
Jock, glad that you doing this series on Candle Holders, cause we kinda get burned out on the same ole ones we make all the time. When you look at one person's designs or ideas, it can add ideas for your own projects, right?
Naw, probably not. I'm too shy. (LOL)
Bill Epps
verry good demo Jock---who is doing the demo next week??????????
We all learn from or are inspired by others.
Sharon! Then YOU get to type for her. :)