I must profusely appologize for the delay in this demo.
I have had the files on hand for nearly two months and have not had time to set it up.
Tonight's Demo is by Genia Burch a protege' of Bill Epps.
Genia is an accomplished smith and equally at ease with the hand hammer or power hammer.
This is her first iForge demonstration. Our 156th.

Figure 1 Click for Detail |
Hi guys...hope I'm not here by myself.
This figure I am at the anvil and I have gotten all my tools together.
I am using a gas forge, cross peen hammer, power hammer, rounding hammer, top/bottom, & half round fullers, a mounted vice, sander/polisher and 5/8" square bar.

Figure 2 Click for Detail |
I am using a 5/8" sq bar approx 18" long you can use 1/2, 3/4,or 3/8". I prefer the 5/8".
Start by taking a good heat to one end and hammering 2 sides to a short point @ 90 degree intervals

Figure 3 Click for Detail |
Laying the bar on the front side of anvil face put a notch approximately
3 to 4" back from point and working 2 sides 90 degrees apart (hit, turn, hit, turn) same sides as point.

Figure 4 Click for Detail |
It will look something like this and now i have stared tappering the stem.

Figure 5 Click for Detail |
I got tired on the anvil and switched to the power hammer and finished tappering the stem.

Figure 6 Click for Detail |
Getting ready to flatten petal out.

Figure 7 Click for Detail |
With the cross side of the hammer in the center of petal put a fuller groove going the length of petal.

Figure 8 Click for Detail |
Flip over and put 2 fuller grooves on the out sides of petal. It will look like figure 9 and 10.
I do this to help spread the petal more evenly

Figure 9 Click for Detail |
Center fuller

Figure 10 Click for Detail |
Side fullers

Figure 11 Click for Detail |
I used the power hammer to help put fullers in and now I am straightening up my stem and petal.

Figure 12 Click for Detail |
With the top and bottom 1/2 round fuller I placed my petal in the middle (only half of my petal is in fuller) and while hammering I am pulling away from hammer.
Then I flip it over and repeat this step by pulling it away from hammer.
It will help keep it uniform.

Figure 13 Click for Detail |
This is how it looks when I have done both sides to my liking.

Figure 14 Click for Detail |
I have placed the petal on the step of the anvil and I am tapping it to start a roll.

Figure 15 Click for Detail |
Still tapping and rounding out petal to where it over laps slightly to make a small cup.

Figure 16 Click for Detail |
I changed to a rounding hammer and using a 1/2 bottom rounding fuller in my hardy. . .
I tap on the petal to get it uniform and rounder.

Figure 17 Click for Detail |
Using the horn of the anvil I am curling the tip of my lilly.

Figure 18 Click for Detail |
Here I am using a polisher( this is not an angle grinder it is a low RPM sander polisher)
I like my hands and eyes too much to attempt to use a grinder with a wire brush on it. LOL

Figure 19 Click for Detail |
I have heated the opposite end of my bar and am putting a point on it to roll in to a cute little curl as seen in figure 20.

Figure 20 Click for Detail |
Finishing my curlyque.

Figure 21 Click for Detail |
Little past center of my bar in the middle I heat and bend 90 degrees and this is where I am going to start my curl for the base of the candle holder.

Figure 22 Click for Detail |
Here it is bent at 90 degrees

Figure 23 Click for Detail |
Heating the center of my bar I am using the cross ping hammer to start rounding the curl around the horn of the anvil.

Figure 24 Click for Detail |
This is the start

Figure 25 Click for Detail |
Working around the horn of the anvil i am making my base spiral

Figure 26 Click for Detail |
Finishing the base on the horn.

Figure 27 Click for Detail |
All done!

Figure 28 Click for Detail |
Finish with clear coat after polishing.
Have you ever tried forge welding on a stem to save from drawing out?
Grate job Gina. I always enjoy wacthing you work
Very nice Genia.
I'll fix the broken images.
Nice job!
Very cool,Genia,see,ya did great!Lookin' good too.:)
nice job Genia, great work
Paw Paw
Genia, very well done!
Thank you all for being patient with me.
Jim C.
Genia: Nice work; thanks.
Darlin girl you did a great job in your outline as well as the work. Mom is sooo proud of you
Genia, I am so proud of the presentation as well as the piece. You and Dad do good work together:)
Great Demo Genia
Thanks for the demo -- neat project.