
Figure a |
Tonight we are doing my Bodice/Cleveage Dragon (which is a bit Hit at the Ren. Faires), and are a lot of fun to make.

Figure 1 |

Figure 2 |

Figure 3 |
I start w/ 1/2" or 5/8" square stock, and start like a simple "Dog Head Dragon" by setting it down on the side of the anvil, and it should look like fig. 3. The offset should be about as long as the stock is square.

Figure 4 |

Figure 5 |

Figure 6 |
I like to point the nose and let the back side spread out to give a little bit more width on the jaw. With a center punch, I punch the nostrils, and w/an eye punch, punch the eyes. W/a hot cutter I cut the mouth open.

Figure 7 |

Figure 8 |

Figure 9 |
With a fine sideset punch/chisel, I cut some teech upper jaw and bottom. Then I run a line between the nostrils and between the eyes with a blunt chisel to give some definition. I use a hot cutter on top down the center and back past the eyes to give me a reference point to cut the horns out.

Figure 10 |

Figure 11 |

Figure 12 |
Then, I come in at a 45 deg. angle following the line I put in the center, and I cut the horns with a very sharp hot cutter.

Figure 13 |

Figure 14 |

Figure 15 |
After cutting the horns in, I stand them up, with a blunt punch and roll them forward slightly. Then I use the guillotine tool to set his neck. Then I cut the piece off, about 1 1/2" to 2" long, and flatten it out into sort of a blade shape. It needs to curl so that it will set well inside the bodice.

Figure 16 |

Figure 17 |

Figure 18 |
Then I take a good heat on the piece, cool the head and bend it in the vice. Then taper the blade part and check the fit. Then adjust and check the fit, and then adjust and check the fit, and then check the fit. (grin) Any questions.

Figure a |

Figure b |
Happy dragon
Jock D.
Fun demo Bill!
Both these dragons are properly fitted, and rest comfortably between the wearer's bosom, and if you look real close, you will notice the dragons are grinning.
Great Demo, always wanted to make one, and now I can.
Would a pair of lateral stabilizers be prudent Bill? Difficult to fit exactly I guess
Very Nice demo Bill, Thanks
Hadn't thought of it PF. But, it sounds like a good idea, will have to try that next weekend.
Bill--Neat item --- do you also call them 'Clever cleavage Clutter Critters" ??