A young guy and an older guy at an anvil shoot, anvil marked 'made in china' banner sign 'Quad State'.

"Look! It's a UFO!"

No, It's an ASO . . .

ASO = Anvil Shaped Object.

ASO is a term used in the blacksmithing community to describe junk anvils, usually those made of cast iron or low grade steel. See Grizzly and Cheap Chinese ASO's

Anvil Shooting has been a part of American Independence Day celebrations since the founding of the United States.

NEW! Paw-Paw's video taken in 1999. Paw-Paw's BGoP Anvil Shoot Video.

Today, mostly blacksmiths carry on this old tradition. It is OUR fireworks display. It is a symbol of the ideals and freedom that exists in few other places the way it does here.

There are those who shoot anvils competitively for height. But this is not traditional anvil shooting, it is a modern sport.