firmly. In case the piece being heated at the end of the rods should want to drop out, it may be held in place by using a poker that has a short right angle bent at its end, and the rods may be tapped with the poker to stick them enough to hold fast before taking the piece to the anvil. After the end is welded it is drawn out as shown at C. The bottom piece is now inserted and welded as at D. The entire piece is now heated uniformly to a yellow heat, one end is caught in a vise, and with a monkey wrench on the other end the rods are twisted to the right as much as they will stand without danger of breaking. At the same time they are tapped on the end in order to help the rods twist. The piece will now appear as at E. It will be necessary to take more than one heat to twist the rods as much as they will stand. When this is done the entire piece is heated again and twisted to the left. At the same time it is tapped on the end with a hammer to help open the bulb as shown at F. Two of the rods are now spread a little to let the three pieces of round iron drop out. These were kept on the inside to keep the small rods in shape while welding and twisting them into shape. The lug at the top is now drawn a little more pointed and the bottom end swaged 5/8 in. round. A thread is to be cut on this end. The rods in the bulb are trued by heating and catching them in a vise in
Hand Forging by Thomas F. Googerty