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Hand Forging by Thomas F. Googerty

IRON LAMPS,	p.181, base line, intersecting, compass, paper pattern, sheet, soft steel, slate pencil, cold chisel, shade, design, sketched, Fig. 118, stencil, motif, tree, drill, hammer
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IRON LAMPS p.181 from the base line and intersecting at the point C. With one leg of the compass on this point an arc is described with a radius equal to the distance from C to D. Another is described with a radius equal to the distance from C to E. A line the length of F is now drawn from G to H, and lines are drawn from G and H to the point C, also the line E. The space inclosed by these lines is the pattern which should be cut out. The paper pattern is laid onto a sheet of No. 20 soft steel, marking around its edge with a slate pencil on the metal. The plate is then cut out with a thin cold chisel, and the edges are filed to get them straight, and also to make the plate the same size as the pattern. The other sections of the shade are made by using the first as a pattern. The design is now sketched on one of the sections with a slate pencil. In Fig. 118 a section of the shade is shown with the design cut out in the form of a stencil. The motif is a tree. This may be used, or some other form may be substituted. Perhaps it is best to draw the design on paper, cutting out the open work. This pattern may then be laid on the sections, marking around the edges of the design on the metal with a sharp scratch awl or pencil. In cutting the open work out it is best to drill holes around the edges of parts to be cut, then using a chisel and hammer. Cutting on the metal with a chisel without drilling

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