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Hand Forging by Thomas F. Googerty

p.140, HAND FORGING, peen, sinks, raised, hammering, ball, peen, modeling-hammers, rosette, lead, Modeling, Bulb, Fig. 88, four-petal, flower, develop, pattern, paper, equal spaces, pair of dividers, right-angle, line, center, petals scribing, metal, drilled, loops, chisel, filed, end grain, block
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140 HAND - FORGING sink with the peen. The plate is now heated to a black heat, and the part between the sinks raised by hammering on the under side of the plate. The ball and peen of modeling-hammers are used to do this, and the rosette is set onto the lead while hammering. Modeling a Bulb.—In Fig. 88, at A, is shown a conventionalized four-petal flower which may be used as another example in explaining the method of modeling this kind of work. The stock used may be No. 18 or 20 soft sheet steel. The first thing to do is to develop a pattern on paper. In doing this the length of the outer curve from the center to the point of petal is found by stepping it off with equal paces, using a pair of dividers. A straight line is then drawn and crossed by a right-angle line through the center. The number of spaces found by stepping around the petal are laid out on this line, giving the stretch-out of the petals. The shape of the petals may now be sketched in as shown at B. It is not absolutely necessary that the petals should be laid out exactly like the drawing. The pattern when finished is cut out and laid onto a sheet of metal, scribing around its edges onto the metal; 3/16-in. holes are then drilled to form the loops, the rest is cut out with a narrow chisel, and the edges filed smooth. The piece is now heated and the petals formed by hammering them on the end grain of the block.

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