progresses it must be annealed. To do this it is heated red and allowed to cool slowly.
Modeling-hammers of various sizes, as shown in Fig. 84, are used for embossed and raised work. The balls and peens should be smooth; in other parts they may be forged roughly. Special tools are needed at times, and as one becomes a little more acquainted with the work he can readily make a tool that will be of service in forming some particular part. The stock used is generally soft steel or Swedish iron. If the work requires a great deal of hammering it is advisable to use an extra grade of steel, the kind used for stamping, spinning and drawn designs. The thickness of the stock depends on the character of the work wanted. For light work No. 18 or 20 is about right. For heavy work, however, the ornament should not be delicately modeled in the metal, but must be boldly hammered from sheets at least No. 14 or 16 gauge.
Rosette.—As an example a simple rosette is shown in Fig. 85 at A. To relieve the monotony of its surface it is modeled. The stock may be No. 18 or 20 common soft steel. It is first cut from the sheet with a curved chisel. The part between the straight lines is to be hammered from the under side. In doing this a tool as shown in Fig. 86 is used, which will be referred to hereafter as a sinking-tool. This tool is made from a piece
Hand Forging by Thomas F. Googerty