Your Anvil is a Great Tool
Helpful Hints on How to Make it More Efficient
© Robb Gunter
published in ANVIL Magazine, May 1998
Your anvil is probably the single most useful and versatile tool
ever developed by man. Its design has been developing for thousands of
The first anvils were large, flat rocks. Both the Egyptian and
Viking cultures used such stone anvils. Archaeologists have found
meteorites that were used as anvils in the Egyptian and Greek
cultures, even though they were predominantly Bronze Age cultures, and
iron forging was somewhat rare.
The anvil design we now know reached its present level of
development in the mid-1700s in Western Europe. Further refinements
into the London pattern and farriers' anvils came along in the
mid-1800s. There are numerous other special variations in anvil
design, such as: double bic, armor's anvil, sawmakers' bridge anvil,
jewelers' anvil and coopers' anvil, to name a few.
How "live" an anvil is, is very essential for efficient
work and is usually associated with its ring. Historically, anvils
which didn't ring were considered inferior. This is not always true. A
good anvil responds by bouncing your hammer upward after each blow,
whether or not it rings. Typically, wrought iron-base anvils ring more
than cast iron or cast steel anvils. A dead anvil (one which doesn't
reciprocate your hammer) requires much more exertion and effort from
the smith. If your anvil rings to the point of distraction, try
bending a "U" of 3/8" round stock and dropping it
through the pritchel hole. It is easily removed when you need the hole
for punching operations.
The height of your anvil is also critical. There seems to be an
optimum height for each individual smith. It must be low enough to
allow your arm and hammer to fully extend, yet high enough so that you
don't work bent over. Most of the students who come to my school find
that an anvil adjusted to where the top plate is wrist high, works
best. An anvil stand which allows for adjustment in height to suit the
type work being done is worth considering. A 100-lb. anvil is usually
considered the minimum weight necessary for an adult. Having your
anvil securely mounted to its base so that it does not bounce around
is a must. Remember, in terms of what happens to the material you're
forging, there are two hammers working on it, the lower one is
standing still.
The relationship of your anvil to your forge and leg vise should be
carefully planned for maximum efficiency. The anvil is best when
mounted at 90° to your forge and no more than two steps away.
Your vise should be no more than three steps from your forge. Some
thought should also be given to the placement of benches, tables and
tong racks. Portable forge setups, typically used by farriers, are
usually carefully planned for efficiency.
There are unlimited numbers of anvil tools (hardy tools) that can
make your anvil a more efficient work place and usually the time spent
making or maintaining your anvil tools is well spent. If you have more
than one anvil, consider standardizing the hardy hole size by either
having it machined to make it larger or sleeve it to decrease the size
so that all your anvil tooling is interchangeable. Having a (mild
steel) cutting plate that fills your anvil is a must. Developing your
proficiencies at cutting and splitting on the top of your cutting
plate as well as using the step or heel as a shearing surface is very
Mounting a steel ruler or marking off measured 1/2" or 1/4"
increments on the back side of your anvil below the well-dressed edge
is extremely valuable for quick measurements on repeat forgings or
when checking for accurate hole or bending locations.
A properly dressed and ground tool plate is a must for peak
performance out of your anvil. Edges should be carefully ground and
radiused for the type of work you are doing.
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