The Steelworkers Webring

This webring is dedicated to those who work in the steel trades worldwide.  All those involved in ironworking, welding, boilermaking, etc. are invited to join the ring.  It is open to all individual, corporate, and union sites.  This ring was established by Shane Comeau and is now maintained by

To join, follow the instructions below.

NOTE: This ring prefers a numerical site ID, use a number from 15 to 999.
If the number is taken you will be prompted to select another.

We no longer accept sites that have advertising pop-ups.
Click here, fill in the form and submit.

You will soon receive a confirmation e-mail containing your registration information and your code fragment.

The code fragment is a just a few lines of Javascript that calls the actual code and graphic from our server.

Copy this code into the bottom of your webpage. It is self centering.

Drop me a line when the code is installed and I will add you to the ring!!   It is that easy!

Use the above button if you misplace your code or need to edit your site information. Current members that need to pick up the new code can also do so here. You will need to know your site ID#. It is the same as your old ID#. However, you will have been assigned a temporary password. Send me mail if you need it.

Remember to place the Webring code on your page.  We cannot add your page without the code.   Acceptance into a specific webring is not automatic.   However, we will accept all that fit the description or provide tools and supplies to the industry.   I hope all get plenty of traffic from their submission to this ring.

Use the above button to see the ring's performance stats. These started recording data on February 1, 2003

NOTICE: We collect personal information on this site.   To read our privacy statement click here.


Steelworkers Webring Ringmaster



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Old address

enclume,herrero,forgeron,Kunstschmied,Kunstschmiede,schmied,schmiede,fabbro, blacksmith, blacksmithing, smith, smithy. Home of the Steelworkers Webring for ironworkers, welders, boilermakers, fabricators and all others that work in the steel industry. anvil, anvilfire, blacksmith, blacksmithing, smith, smithy, iron, Fe, Ferrum, forging, fabricator, steel, steelworker, ironworker, fitter, I-beam, boiler, service center, welder, welding, webring, AWS, AISI, BOCA, MIG, TIG, submerged arc, flux core, Lincoln, Miller, Victor, AirCo, E6011, E6013, E7024, Idealarc, rigging, rigger, erector, crane, spud wrench, rivit, rivet, riveter, lathe, mill, shaper, boring, turning, drill, drilling anvil, anvilfire, blacksmith, blacksmithing, smith, smithy, iron, Fe, Ferrum, forging, fabricator, steel, steelworker, ironworker, fitter, I-beam, boiler, service center, welder, welding, webring, AWS, AISI, BOCA, MIG, TIG, submerged arc, flux core, Lincoln, Miller, Victor, AirCo, E6011, E6013, E7024, Idealarc, rigging, rigger, erector, crane, spud wrench, rivit, rivet, riveter, lathe, mill, shaper, boring, turning, drill, drilling